Monday, May 30, 2011

Serendipity of librarianship

At some point in my life I became vaguely aware of a file system used in libraries called the McBee System. The McBee Company exists today - though I'm not related to those McBees The company made its name as the creator of a product called Keysort.

My sharing the name McBee with the developers of this system came into play another time when a librarian showed me a children's book Library Lion written by Michelle Knudsen.

When I was working at the FDIC Library one of the librarians, Len, came across an ad in a periodical from the 1940's featuring the following:

McBEE is a fact fancier ... with two decades experience in the care and culture of internal business information, of higher yield and earlier delivery in reports and records.

Does your corporate thinking ever have that tired feeling? Suffer from delayed decision deficiencies, sluggish judgment, management manana? .. Put your front office on a fresh fact diet! Call a McBee man - nearest office, or New York direct ... No miracles - but several thousands of satisfied users!

Truth be told - this McBee man is also a fact fancier with great ideas and over two decades of experience working in special libraries.

So if you're looking for someone who enjoys research and digging into facts, who provides excellent customer service and gets along well with colleagues, executives and patrons - contact this McBee man!

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