Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Successful Job Hunt

Greetings all -- it has been a while since I have updated this blog.  All has been going well in my current post as a Research Librarian for a consulting firm.  This has been a temp-to-hire position that they have never offered to actually hire me.

So after an initial month on the job where I didn't actively pursue any job openings - I started up again - that was last November.  During that time I applied to federal government jobs, public and academic jobs and private sector jobs as well.  Despite my 5+ years of providing legal research at one agency - that wasn't enough to satisfy several law firms.

I had a couple of interviews including one for a prison librarian post in DC.  I actually thought it might be fun.

During this time I was regularly checking USAJobs, and I Need a Library Job.  I looked over my resume and updated that, wrote and re-wrote cover letters.  As most anyone will tell you - looking for a job is a full-time job!

Recently I applied for a federal job only to get an automatic response that my application was incomplete - I had failed to submit some of the required documents.  So I checked the online application (yay technology!) and it looked as though I had everything.  I emailed the HR office and asked about it.

Time passed - I didn't hear anything and I finally decided, Okay, that job was not meant to be.  What else is out there?  That very day I got a phone call that turned out to be my interview for the job.  No prep, no nerves, just a pleasant phone conversation.

The next day I got a phone call from the HR Specialist who told me that on review my documents were in order and I should have been refered for the position - and obviously I was.

Next I got a tentative job offer and they needed a couple of updated forms.  One form I submitted was valid - just not the most recent one.  It took me some time and few phone calls but I was successful.  They also needed an official copy of my transcripts from library school.  Imagine that!

End of story - I was offered the position and I will start on August 27.  My current boss on the temp-to-hire job is very happy for me.

My sister is a great proponent of creating your own success.  She always said - picture and describe what you want your new job to be (or house or car etc.).  Be as precise as you need to be.  I could do that - but I had trouble of just letting go of it - so I asked her about that too.  She said I don't need to worry about how God/karma/fate will make it happen - I just need to apply for jobs and prepare myself.

That's what I did - One day I finalized what I wanted:
minimum salary of x dollars
commute no farther than Farragut North
ideally with the federal government (or with similar benefits)
starting by September 1
some travel would be nice
a job that is interesting
a job that I can do well

I got all that I asked for - well, I have yet to find out about the last two - but the job certainly looks interesting and I'm hoping that I can do it well.  To that end I am lining up some people I want to interview to get some ideas about approach etc.

Many thanks to all those who offered prayers and sent good karma in my direction.  I'm really excited about this chapter in my life.  I feel as though I have learned from the past and ready to embrace something new!