I am changing jobs and I am going through my files to save or remove documents that I don't need to keep any longer. Among them are my reports from the 2010 Internet Librarian conference held in beautiful Monterey, California. So I will be posting them on here.
Search Engine Update – Chris Sherman
Track A – Information Discovery & Search
Presenter's websiteThere are effectively two search engines with a combined 90% market share – Google and Microsoft Bing. No serious challengers for the next 5 or more years. There will be niche players, but no challengers. Google isn’t the top search engine in other countries.
Google - Google has gotten faster – faster results, faster crawling and indexing and faster “search suggest”
Caffeine Update – biggest overhaul to Google in more than 5 years
50% fresher results
Algorithmic improvements – to change the results
We will need to bookmark our results because we won’t be able to recreate our Google search results again
- Google Instant – Yahoo! Did this already
- Google Search Suggest – get suggested queries as you type
- Google images – improved display and scrolling to compete with Bing
- Image swirl – is a visual discovery tool to find related images, artists etc.
- Google Real Time Search –
- Searches from Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. More useful than Twitter’s own search engine.
- Caution – Google – don’t be evil – policy is to go up to the creepy line and not cross it.
- Timesavers – “More on this page”
- Intent classifiers – determine how the result page will be laid out based on our search
- Site links – may be popular links – but also contact information for all results – not just the top result
- Suggesting links for more vague queries that might look at all sides of a question – Is there global warming?
- Product research – general search – suggest products – search on a specific model – provides reviews etc.
Bing entertainment
- To grow its entertainment distribution business
- Music movies, tv, games etc.
- More than 5 million full-length songs and lyrics, hundreds of tv shows more than 100 games – streaming – cannot download w/out purchase.
Bing Maps – advantage – allow you to post photos in Photosynth – combine maps with video and photos
Bing travel – shows when airfares are changing!!!
Bing University – ranks the universities
Bing Recipes
Wolfram Alpha http://www.wolframalpha.com/ Integration – high quality factual responses to queries.
- Bing is running Yahoo search
- Yahoo doesn’t equal Bing – but they are aiming to change their results view
- Bing is the innovator now – Yahoo is in survival mode.
- New search engine
- Use slash tags to filter your search results – it is a closed beta version –but they may allow people to access and trial the search engine (Mary Ellen Bates talked more about this Search Engine).
Practices of Search EnginesTargetingTypes of targeting:
- Device monitor
- Geographic – knows where we are and prompts local weather e.g.
- Demographic – age, gender etc.
- Behavioral
Targeting with ads – Ads match our interests
Buzzword for this is retargeting
How do you opt out?
- Google dashboard
- Microsoft advertising
- Yahoo Privacy – Interest Manager Beta
- Network Advertising Initiative – allows one to opt out worldwide
Other search engines
- Factual – giving structure to the unstructured web.
- Semantifi – natural language query
- Microsoft – Academic Search – indexing academic publications – heavy on computer science and engineering
- Ask isn’t really a search engine – back to doing Q&A – built a social network of experts – Still using Teoma – but not a search engine
Super Searcher TipsMary Ellen Bates
her slides
Yahoo Correlator – http://correlator.sandbox.yahoo.net/
A way of visualizing a search of Wikipedia – a filter w/in Wikipedia
A way to get an idea of where to go next – find the next place to find the answer
Tries to find relations between Wikipedia articles – taps into the intelligence of Wikipedia and find contacts and datamine Wikipedia. It is broad and controlled.
Bing Norelax – most search engines will assume with a search string with multiple words that not all words are important. To use a Boolean and norelax will allow you to force the AND for all the words
Example: Wifi security airport hackers norelax:hotspot
Google New – http://google.com/newproducts/ - where we can see what Google is working on and you can filter to look at just the product we want (news, Scholar, etc.)
Blekko – http://blekko.com/ - open invitation beta (friend them on Facebook)
- The slashtags – is a customizable search engine – This is an old concept use their tags or create your own tags. And they will disclose what sites are included in their customized tags
- Slashtags are not shared – and tied to your personal login
Twitter lists – create and publish an RSS of your faves – who does the guru monitor? Is this person on anyone’s list? Who else are on those lists?
Search via Google – pulling the Twitter feed and
Google search - Site:twitter.com inurl:lists
LinkedInMonitor our own company
Look at new people and promotions – and reach out to those people – what do you need right now to help you with your job?
Newsy.comThe Week meets YouTube – summarizes the weekly news – uses human editors
A summary of what people are saying about a current topic
SlideFinder.netAllow you to search Powerpoint presentations – indexes individual pages – it is a way to find an authority on a topic – then find out more about the individual – download the slide
World Govt. Data from The Guardianwww.guardian.co.uk/world-government-data/Find datasets on a particular topic – more granular than some other sites
Compares apples to apples – tries to standardize the measurement so we can compare the statistics from different countries
Factual.comSearching datasets
Like Wolfram|Alpha, but Factual.com is a wiki – find datasets but others can comment on how they mined the dataset or displayed the data to make it more it more useable. Shows how they found insights into the data.
Google Fusion TablesUpload your data table
Visualize the results – map, line-bar-pie-scatter charts, timeline
Find some way to tell a story with the data.
It is a way to provide a non-Google like response
Google Public data explorerPublic data and allows us to apply filters or charts and tweak to tell a story
Datasets you can play with
Google wants agencies to share their data
Create IntelligenceGoogle News Archive – burst of interest in this product between March and August – Factiva has something similar
“Our Competitor’s name is rarely mentioned along with ours.”
Us AND them – 942
Us NOT them – 59742
Not obvious in the search results – but is evident during the search itself
Gives us enough to give us a sense
Use QR codesI had never heard of these -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_CodeCreate a 2D code for anything!
You can install an app on a smartphone to read these codes and be linked to more information about the item. A barcode on steroids.