Today I attended a workshop at the National Press Club and sponsored by Lexis/Nexis. The topic was Managing Evolving Resources: Strategies, Capabilities, and Alternatives.
Panel of Speakers:
Eve Emerson, LexisNexis VP Global Talent, Learning, and Development
Naomi House, INALJ (I Need a Library Job) Founder, 2013 ALA Mover and Shaker
Karen Krugman, Chief, Research Library & Archives, Export-Import Bank of the United States
Karen White, Senior Librarian & Team Lead, LAC Group
Naomi House, INALJ (I Need a Library Job) Founder, 2013 ALA Mover and Shaker
Karen Krugman, Chief, Research Library & Archives, Export-Import Bank of the United States
Karen White, Senior Librarian & Team Lead, LAC Group
Eve Emerson:
Take a look at yourself and ask these questions:
· What are my mission and my purpose?
· What is my passion?
· What am I good at?
Skills: Strengths & Gaps
· Look at the top 5 skills that I have, that I enjoy doing and I do well.
· Look at the top 2-3 skills that I need to learn in order to grow in my job/career.
· What are my key transferable skills – that could translate to non-traditional jobs for librarians?
· What would others say are my strengths?
Next Step:
· Long term career goals – given the fast-paced environment, look at the next 6-12 months.
· What development opportunities are open to me? Details, new tasks, volunteer opportunities, etc.
· What would I like to learn how to do?
· What are some new work activities or skills that I can acquire?
How we learn:
· 70% of what we learn is through experience – leading, added responsibilities volunteering, etc.
· 20% of what we learn is through feedback – mentoring, coaching, evaluations, etc.
· 10% of what we learn is through structured classes or e-learning.
So – if we want to learn something – it isn’t so much as taking a class – but tackling the project or leading the committee or event.
Mentoring – if you are mentor:
· Carries on your legacy
· Keeps you sharp
· Forces you to set an example thus enhancing your performance
· Enhances your value to the organization
· Encourages creativity
· Expands relationships
· Helps to connect to other professionals
· Key benefit is getting advice – particularly on career
Karen Krugman:
Export-Import Bank
Tie-in services to business processes.
At Export-Import Bank the library took on a due diligence search from multiple offices. It was an annual search of 25,000 names to check against international watchlists. It is tedious and repetitive, and the library put conditions on it. The requested and got a new FTE to handle the increased workload – not tied specifically to this task. They required a form so that the requests had standard information. This has given the library additional customers and raised their profile within the organization.
The Export-Import Bank has an Archivist position. The re-worked the duties to expand from just collecting and adding archival material to include contributing information to the Country briefings that the agency prepares. The Archivist also writes on historical background for the head of the agency.
Karen White:
Think Strategically:
Seize new opportunities – look outside the traditional scope of your library.
Tie services to key business processes; processes that are mission critical; common needs across many offices.
Meet your customers at their point of need – and learn to anticipate their future needs.
Become part of your agency orientation for new employees.
Use staff strategically – don’t stick to standard job descriptions. Enhance staff skills and match them to your needs.
Use technology strategically:
At her agency the library would prepare country briefings for their staff and put all the reports and articles into 3-ring binders. The staff loved the info even though it was an extra 10 lbs. to carry. They migrated to putting the documents on a flash drive and that was great until IT Security determined that flash drives are not secure. For the past year they have put the documents into restricted folders on Google Docs and provided the staff with a link to their folder. Now they are moving to Google Sites which has some improved capabilities that will benefit the users.
Naomi House:
Balancing your job with volunteer (outside) activities:
The Less Trap:
We are often told to do more with less. We usually end up trying to do the same with less. That is, maintain the same level of service despite less funds, resources and staff.
What happens to staff? Usually it means frustration and stagnation.
Staff retention is vital.
Volunteering can fill the satisfaction gap for you.
· Pick up new skills by volunteering.
· Fight boredom and frustration
· Revisit your core mission. (Take a look at yourself – what is your passion?)
If everyone is thinking alike, then someone isn’t thinking – Gen. George S. Patton
Craft a Balancing Act
· Strategize – What do I need and want?
· Planning – Who can use me?
· Executing – When can I do this?
· Stabilizing – What works?
· New – Address efficiencies often.
· Perform – Hit your marks!